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    Снято с производства

Universal Audio LA-3A

Производитель: Universal Audio
Гарантия: 1 год
Наличие: Запросить

Доставка по Москве: Бесплатно
Доставка по России: Бесплатно (подробнее)
Доставка в Казахстан: Расчитать
Доставка в Беларусь: Расчитать
Доставка по миру: Расчитать
Цена: Снято с производства

A Beloved Solid-State T4 Electro-Optical Classic Compressor

The LA-3A Classic Audio Leveler combines custom UA transformers and design cues from the 1176LN with the T4 electro-optical attenuator of the LA-2A to create its own unique compression characteristics and sonic signature. The original LA-3A marked the departure from the tube design of the Teletronix LA-2A. Immediately embraced as a studio workhorse — serving in the rack of the remote van used to record Prince & The Revolution’s Purple Rain and employed for double-duty during the recording and mixing of Justin Townes Earle’s Midnight At The Movies as examples — the LA-3A remains a favorite of engineers and producers worldwide to this day.

  • True to the original in design, solid-state, T4 electro-optical classic compressor
  • Custom UA transformers & T4 cell
  • 1.5ms attack time or less
  • Hand-built in USA; backed by 1-Year limited warranty

Our UA Classics reissue of the LA-3A meticulously retains all the internal and external qualities of the original: The same simple control set, and the T4 electro-optical attenuator, which is the source of the LA-3A's program dependent compression. It also retains the 2RU half-rack design, and comes complete with a single-unit rack assembly — no additional kit is necessary. All the original rear panel connections and controls are also maintained, while the commonly performed “LA-3A gain mod” is added as an additional switch for maximum studio versatility.


  • True to the original in design, solid-state, T4 electro-optical classic compressor
  • Custom UA transformers & T4 cell
  • Discrete amplifier – up to 50dB gain
  • 1.5ms attack time or less
  • 0.06 seconds for 50% release
  • Rear panel "Gain Mod" switch for gain control
  • Designed by ex-UREI® engineer, Dennis Fink
  • Hand-made at UA; backed by 1-Year limited warranty

Technical Specifications:

External Connections
Jones Barrier terminals and XLR connectors

Input Impedance
50, 150, 250, 600 ohms

Less than 0.33% at +24dBm

Frequency Response
20Hz - 20kHz +/- 0.5 dB

Noise Floor
-80 dB below program at threshold of limiting

30 ± 1dB, 50 ± 1dB

Output Level
+20 dBm nominal

Input Level
0dBm @ 50dB gain; +20dBm @ 30dB gain

1.5ms or less

0.06 seconds for 50% release
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