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С выходом новых мониторов Fostex PM641 возросла конкурентная борьба на рынке доступных трехполосных мониторов. Но стала ли новинка лучше своих двухполосных предшественников?
Компания Event обратила внимание на незаполненный рынок доступных трехполосных мониторов и выпустила новую активную модель 2030.
Новая линия начального уровня Alpha от компании Focal ставит целью предоставление качества Focal искушенному слушателю по относительно невысокой цене.
Идеальный выбор для небольших студий, которым необходим м...Снято с производства
Universal Audio Teletronix® LA-2A
Гарантия: 1 год
Наличие: Запросить Доставка по Москве: Бесплатно Доставка по России: Бесплатно (подробнее) Доставка в Казахстан: Расчитать Доставка в Беларусь: Расчитать Доставка по миру: Расчитать
Teletronix® LA-2A Classic Leveling Amplifier
True to the Original Design, our Famed Tube-Amplified T4 Electro-Optical Classic Compressor
Audio professionals revere the LA-2A. The original was immediately acknowledged for its smooth, natural compression characteristics. A unique tube-driven electro-optical attenuator system allows instantaneous gain reduction with no increase in harmonic distortion — an accomplishment at the time, still appreciated today. This faithful Universal Audio reissue marks the rebirth of the Teletronix LA-2A. Painstaking care has been taken to ensure that every new LA-2A provides the performance characteristics of the original. Each unit is point-to-point hand-wired and built in Scotts Valley, California, with every component carefully evaluated for authenticity. As a result, today’s LA-2A will bring the same legendary compression characteristics of the original to all of your recordings.
- True to the original LA-2A in design, manufacturing and performance
- Lag free, distortion free optical attenuator system
- 10 milliseconds attack time
- Hand-built in USA; backed by 1-Year limited warranty
Each unit is hand-built and hand-wired in-house at UA with each component being carefully evaluated for authenticity. No expense has been spared to guarantee that this LA-2A will bring that classic sound to your recording. Demand the original. Accept no copy.
- True to the original in design, manufacturing and performance
- Lag free, distortion free optical attenuator system
- Distortion less than 0.5% THD
- 0 to 40 dB gain limiting
- Balanced stereo interconnection
- Frequency response 1 dB, 30 to 15,000 cps
- Output level of 10 dBm and 40 dB gain
- Low noise – less than 70 dB below ±10 dBm output
- Hand-built in USA; backed by 1-Year limited warranty
Technical Specifications:
Input Impedance
50, 150, 250, 600 ohms
Output Load Impedance
50, 150, 250, 600 ohms
External Connections
Jones Barrier terminals and XLR connectors
Frequency Response
+0/-1 dB 30 Hz to 15kHz
40 dB ±1dB
Input Level
+16 dB maximum
Output Level
+10 dB nominal, +16 dB maximum
Less than 0.5% THD (0.25% typical) at ±10 dBm
70 dB below +10 dBm output level
Attack Time
10 milliseconds
Release Time
0.06 seconds for 50% release; 0.5 to 5 seconds for complete release
dB gain reduction and dB output
Power Requirements
35 watts, 120/240 volts, 50/60 Hz
Maximum operating temperature 160°F
19" Rackmount chassis, 3U
13 lbs.
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